

Troop 302 - Boy-led Fun, High Adventure and Achievement!

Troop 302 is Boy-Led and Adult Supervised.

  • Meetings are most Monday Nights from 7:00pm until 8:30pm on the second floor of the United Methodist Church in Wylie on Country Club Rd/FM 1378 and McMillen.

  • 1 campout or overnight activity a month.

  • We love Outdoor Adventure including Camping, Hiking, Canoeing, Whitewater, Archery, Shotgun and Rifle Shooting, Backpacking, Fishing, Boating at Lake Lavon, Orienteering, Pioneering, Wilderness Survival, Climbing Tower/Ropes Course.  If you are interested in some or all of these things we want you to visit our troop even if you have never done any of them before. 

  • Recent Summer Camps that 302 has attended: Camp Hale/Oklahoma in 2010, Sid Richardson Scout Ranch/Texas in 2011, Camp James Ray/Texas in 2012, Camp Alexander/Colorado in 2013 and Camp Hale/Oklahoma in 2014.

  • High Adventure Trips 2007 Double H in New Mexico, 2009 & 2012 Philmont and Seabase, 2014 Philmont and The Summit, 2015 Northern Tier.

  • Active in Service Projects for the church and community.

  • Structured Introduction to Scouting teaching basic skills to new scouts.

  • New Scout Campout every Spring that teaches beginners how to set up the troop tents, light stoves and lanterns and basic camping skills.

  • Active in Order of the Arrow and service projects.

  • 302 is committed to being a Christian Boy Scout Troop with non-denominational services on Sunday mornings of campouts.